Dental techniques and materials have advanced to a point where total mouth reconstruction is possible right here in the Toms River area.
Tooth Roots Permanently Anchored
Unlike traditional removable dentures, total mouth reconstruction requires strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing teeth with roots permanently anchored into the jaw bone.
You have probably heard about dental implants; the tooth replacement option that is, in most cases, the ideal replacement for a missing tooth.
Versatile Dental Implants
Dental implants have been used for many years to replace one or two missing teeth. However, they can also provide a structure for crowns, bridges, and anchored dentures that replace nearly every tooth in the mouth!
What Are The Differences Between Fixed and Removable?
Fixed implant-retained dentures (sometimes called screw-in) require more implants than the removable type. They can restore 100% chewing function.
Removable implant dentures (sometimes called snap-in) may require just 4 implants to stabilize the upper arch and just 2 for the lower denture. Removable implant-stabilized dentures can restore up to 90% of chewing ability.
Case Study of Full Mouth Reconstruction
Every smile makeover patient requires a unique combination of cosmetic dental procedures, but let’s talk about a hypothetical case involving many restorations:
‘Laura’ was a 52-year-old woman with a mouthful of issues. She was missing most of her back teeth on both her upper and lower arch. Four of her natural teeth were chipped and her gums had receded revealing the metal bases of two old crowns.
To restore a beautiful, strong, and youthful-looking smile, she received dental implant procedures to anchor partial dentures for her upper and lower back teeth. After soft tissue grafts, her front teeth would receive a combination of porcelain crowns and veneers.
The result? A remarkable smile.
Laura is now proud to show off her smile. She can eat whatever she wants. She no longer feels self-conscious at social events.
If you believe your smile can’t be restored, let’s talk.
Contact Rotem Dental Care:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
180 Route 37 W
Toms River, New Jersey
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