Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Rotem Dental Care

man blowing into his hand, checking for bad breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and distressing issue. However, understanding its root causes and seeking professional guidance can help you maintain fresh and pleasant breaths. Let’s review some common causes of bad breath and how Rotem Dental Care in the Manchester area can be your ally in preventing bad breath…

Sinus Headache or Tooth Infection?


How Teeth Can Affect Your Sinuses Have you ever experienced a sinus infection that, after subsiding, leaves your teeth aching? Tooth infection is known to cause 10% of all sinus infections. The location of the first maxillary molar to the maxillary sinus is usually one of the major causes of sinus infection resulting from a tooth…

The Dental Implant Solution

Finding the right solution is always the best way to solve a problem.  People with oral health problems that have resulted in loose or missing teeth should look to the dental implant solution for permanent and secure tooth replacement. The Need for The Dental Implant Solution Whether you need a single tooth replacement or to…

Tooth Tartar Threatens Teeth

Bacteria building particles, left untreated, create plaque that eventually turns to hardened tooth tartar.  Tartar, difficult to remove, leads to gum disease.  Good oral health habits can prevent tooth tarter from forming on your teeth. Where Tooth Tartar Comes From If you are not in the habit of brushing and flossing after meals, you will…

Blood Pressure Meds and Oral Health

If you have high blood pressure and are taking medications to control it, you should know how to protect yourself from the effect these medications have on your oral health. High Blood Pressure Affects Gums If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and you’ve been prescribed medications to control the condition, be aware…

Missing Teeth

It’s time for Halloween and carving up the pumpkin.  Part of the pumpkin carving tradition is to carve triangular eyes and missing teeth.  Missing teeth may be fun on a pumpkin, but in real life missing teeth are no laughing matter. Complications of Missing Teeth In addition to the cosmetic affect of missing teeth, the…

Gag Reflex

It can happen to anyone.  As soon as anything touches the back of the tongue, the roof of the mouth or the back of the throat it triggers gag reflex.  If this happens to you during dental treatment, there is a better way! Caring Treatment for Gag Reflex At Rotem Dental Care in Toms River,…