Been A While Since You Had Your Teeth Cleaned?

Toms River Tooth Whitening

Welcome to the dental practice of Dr. Ronen Rotem, DDS. At Rotem Dental Care, we provide comprehensive full-service dentistry for patients in Toms River and surrounding communities. Our trustworthy team of skilled hygienists, dental assistants, and administrative staff help Dr. Rotem exceed our patients’ expectations. At Rotem Dental Care, we understand the value of a…

Don’t Like Dental Visits? Go Anyway.

dentist comforting a patient

It’s no secret that many Toms River residents dread going to the dentist. Whether they associate dental visits with shame, pain or financial drain, they avoid it at all costs. See Your Dentist Regularly to Avoid Painful Oral Problems However, consider the fact that by seeing your dentist regularly, you can skip dental procedures like…

4 Important Reasons to Floss Every Day

woman flossing her two front teeth

Maintaining good oral hygiene in the Toms River area is essential to overall health and wellness. Your teeth and gums are the foundation of great personal health. At Rotem Dental Care, we urge our patients to practice good oral health habits. Most of us in the Manchester area brush our teeth twice a day. This…

You, Only Better in Toms River

woman smiling at her Toms River dental office

If you’re looking for the brightest, whitest smile possible but insist that you want it to look natural, Dr. Ronen Rotem can sit down with you and show you how to achieve it. Here at Rotem Dental Care, we use effective, cost-sensitive, cutting-edge methods to create the ultimate smile for each individual. You Can Have…

Suspect a Bite Problem in Toms River?

malocclusion examination Toms River

Hello! I’m Dr. Ronen Rotem, DDS, of Rotem Dental Care in Toms River. Thanks for visiting my dental blog. The topic of today’s post is malocclusion–literally–”bad bite.” Malocclusion Affects Many People Edward Angle, a pioneer in modern orthodontics invented the term malocclusion. Malocclusion is fairly common in the population as a whole but, fortunately, in…