Tooth Discoloration and Options for A Whiter Smile

Typical Causes of Tooth Discoloration We all know pretty much what can cause our teeth to stain or change color. The list includes cigarettes, coffee, red wine, tea, certain fruits and vegetables and colas. Then there is the natural discoloring of teeth caused by aging. Ageing causes enamel to thin and the tooth’s second layer,…

Experiencing Tooth Loss

You Don’t Have to Age to Experience Tooth Loss Loose teeth in adults can result from various incidents. Trauma to teeth by a severe blow or fall can be damaging to teeth and cause tooth loss. Using your teeth as tools to open bottle caps, cracking ice cubes or tearing open bags with your teeth…

Living With Dental Fear

You are Not Alone! Fear of the dentist is real, especially in the senior citizen segment of the population. The reason? Senior citizens are the folks who had some of the worst experiences with dental care in the past because advanced research and pain-free dentistry was not available at that time. Somehow that fear has…