How Genetics Play a Part in Gum Disease

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Advice about Gum Disease that shouldn’t be Ignored  A CBS News article indicates that the possibility of hereditary gum disease may be caused by reduced levels of a particular key enzyme known as Cathepsin C. This reduced enzyme coupled with poor dental hygiene can create the perfect storm for chronic dental problems beginning with swollen and bleeding…

What are the Signs of Gum Disease?

Categories: Dentures, Oral Hygiene

The Appearance of Healthy Gums vs. Gum Disease Healthy gums will appear pink in color, tight and firm and without plaque buildup. Unhealthy gums will appear red in color, swollen or inflamed and with buildup of plaque or tartar at the base of the gums. A secondary symptom is bleeding of the gum tissue when…

Diabetes and Gum Disease

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Diabetes Increases Susceptibility to Infection According to a clinical study by Diabetes Journals, diabetes is an important risk factor in progressive periodontitis infections, commonly referred to as gum disease. The infection, or lesions, can cause severe deterioration resulting in the destruction of supporting bone and tissue that surround and support the teeth. The Connection between Diabetes…