Which Dental Floss is Best for You?

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

The Growing Choices of Dental Floss Levi Spear Parmly, a New Orleans dentist, is credited with inventing the first dental floss. That was before WWII and since that time the variety of dental floss products available in the marketplace has expanded for every individual taste. The Types of Floss and What they mean to You…

Dental Floss – Which is Best to Use?

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Are Too Many Dental Floss Choices Confusing You? When you’re shopping for dental floss and you look at the wall of choices hanging before you, it’s difficult to know which is best for you. They are woven, waxed, glide, thick, thin, flavored and unflavored.  So many choices, which do you choose? Dental Floss – The…