Change Out Those Adhesive Dentures for the New Implant Dentures
The latest and greatest in implant dentures has come to Ocean County. Ocean County dentist, Dr. Ron Rotem, is the only Ocean County Dentist to offer the newest in implant dentures.
You no longer have to live with denture adhesive and the uncomfortable feeling of having your entire palate covered coupled with the accompanying fear of slippage while talking or eating.
Implant Dentures vs. Adhesive Dentures
First of all, the old style adhesive dentures have the additional cost of denture adhesive. Secondly, due to the palate being completely covered, you cannot taste your food. Lastly, although adhesive dentures may give you a complete smile, it is usually a “false” look, thus the term “false teeth”.
Implant dentures alleviate the need for any type of adhesive, leave your palate completely uncovered and fit so well, that you will lose the fear of having your dentures shift or slip while talking or eating. The implant denture is also smaller and more light-weight, alleviating the wear and tear from adhesive dentures and the irritation from the adhesive.
The implant denture method is exactly what the name indicates. Posts, or abutments, are implanted into the gum and your dentures are attached, or snapped, into the abutments for a permanent look and feel.
Imagine being able to eat more of the foods you enjoy, being able to taste your favorite foods and smiling with the look of a perfectly natural, beautiful and dazzling smile! And that’s not all. Implant dentures are easy to clean and won’t irritate your natural gum like adhesive dentures.
Implant Dentures Help You Lead a More Enjoyable Life
There is no question about it. Implant dentures are changing the way people view living without their natural teeth.
Now that implant dentures are available in Ocean County, with Ocean County dentist, Dr. Ron Rotem, why live with adhesive dentures for another day?
Dr. Rotem offers easy payment plans and can get you on the road to a new way of enjoying more choices of food, actually tasting food; talking with confidence and having the look and feel of natural teeth with revolutionary implant dentures.
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