Toothache Relief at Rotem Dental Care in Toms River

urgent dental clinic Toms River

A toothache is probably the most common dental problem. However, they have multiple causes. A toothache can come on gradually–or attack with full force. At Rotem Dental Care in Toms River, we can determine the severity of your toothache, before providing lasting relief. 1. You sip a cold drink and–bam!–tooth pain. When a cavity has…

How to Prevent Tooth Decay In Toms River

How to Prevent Tooth Decay In Toms River

Tooth decay, also known as “dental caries,” is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages in Toms River. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth break down the sugars in food and produce acid, which erodes the enamel on teeth. At Rotem Dental Care, we help prevent tooth decay in our patients.…

Sinus Headache or Tooth Infection?


How Teeth Can Affect Your Sinuses Have you ever experienced a sinus infection that, after subsiding, leaves your teeth aching? Tooth infection is known to cause 10% of all sinus infections. The location of the first maxillary molar to the maxillary sinus is usually one of the major causes of sinus infection resulting from a tooth…