Loose Teeth in Adults

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Loose Teeth in Adults Can Lead to Permanent Tooth Loss You may remember tooth loss in your childhood being a time of celebration and possibly getting some money under your pillow. Now, as an adult, a loose tooth is nothing to celebrate. Loose teeth in adults can be a warning sign of more serious issues…

The Condition of Your Dental Health

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Here is what One of Our Patients Wrote about Her Dental Health “I’m not really sure where I should start. I have always had problems with my teeth. As I got older, the problems got bigger.  Over the last few years I suffered with teeth breaking while I eat, and crowns falling out. Because of…

Which Dental Floss is Best for You?

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

The Growing Choices of Dental Floss Levi Spear Parmly, a New Orleans dentist, is credited with inventing the first dental floss. That was before WWII and since that time the variety of dental floss products available in the marketplace has expanded for every individual taste. The Types of Floss and What they mean to You…

Tooth Loss Causes Structural Changes

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

The Effects of Tooth Loss The loss of a tooth can play havoc on your emotions as well as the structure of your face. The absence of a tooth or several teeth causes deterioration of the jaw bone, increased pressure on other working teeth and aging structural changes to the face. Immediate Tooth Replacement is…

The Art and Science of Dental Implants

Categories: Dental, Dental Implants

The Amazing Dental Implant Approximately 25 years ago, the Dental Implant revolutionized the world of dentistry and opened up a wonderful world of possibilities for people who had permanent tooth loss. Before scientific research revealed that the root of a tooth could be recreated and used to anchor a permanent prosthetic tooth, most people would…

Dental Concerns for Adults over 40

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Dental Concerns for Adults 40 – 60 and 60 Plus According to the American Dental Association, people in this age group have three or more decayed or missing teeth as a result of untreated oral health problems. When adults over 60 neglect any part of their oral health, there can be even more severe consequences than…

Put Your Teeth at the Top of Your Daily ‘To-Do’ List

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

Everyday Habits That Can Prevent Tooth Loss There are a host of bad daily habits that people use, not realizing the long-term negative effect on their teeth, possibly leading to complete tooth loss after age 65. Review this Check List of Good Daily Habits to Prevent Tooth Loss Every day, we plan our activities for…

Research Indicates the Growing Dangers of Dry Mouth

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

  A Growing Number of Cases of Dry Mouth According to one study by Georgia Health Sciences University, it is believed that 44 million Americans suffer from the dangerous and debilitating effects of dry mouth. Dry mouth has numerous causes, most of which result in a dangerous situation for your overall health. Dry Mouth Bacterial…

February is National Heart Health Month

Categories: Dental, Oral Hygiene

The Link between Inflammation of Gums and Inflammation of Arteries Inflammation is a common thread in both gum disease and heart disease. Does this mean that gum disease can cause heart disease? The jury is still out o the findings, but it is known that the progression of plaque building up in arteries is similar…